Tuesday, May 4, 2010

What Wildlife Rescues Need: Gulf Oil Spill by Deborah Dolen (Getty Images/AP)

What Rescues Need for Gulf Oil Spill Deborah Dolen (Getty Images/AP)

Whether it be birds, sea turtles or other wildlife-the requests have the following in common:

Dawn Dish Detergent, towels, rubber gloves, sheets, pepto bismal, tooth brushes, instant coffee and creamer, snack bars, sun block, distilled water in gallons to drink, sun hats.

Depending on the type of rescue they could need these:

Cages, boots, nets, tents with stakes, Walmart/Target gift cards.

Contacts for Tampa Bay Area:

Phone numbers courtesy of TampaBay.com

The state has opened a phone line to give Floridians information about the spill. The Florida State Emergency Information Line will operate from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. until further notice. The toll-free number is 1-800-342-3557.

A number of federal or national phone lines are operating as well:
• To report oiled shoreline or request volunteer information: toll-free, 1-866-448-5816
• To submit alternative response technology, services or products: (281) 366-5511
• To submit your vessel as a vessel of opportunity skimming system: (281) 366-5511
• To submit a claim for damages: toll-free, 1-800-440-0858
• To report oiled wildlife: toll-free, 1-866-557-1401
• To contact the Deepwater Horizon Joint Information Center: (985) 902-5231.

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