Friday, September 11, 2009

Les Pigeons

Les Pigeons
London Christmas 2005

I saw the pigeons on the sill,
Some seemed fat,
A few seemed ill,
Some seemed happy,
Some seemed lost…
They followed the others,
Regardless of cost.

Has anyone cared,
To study what they do?
What we call pigeon shit,
They call us too!

One told me
To go “gang my gate”
Shit on my head
Just to demonstrate.
He only did it
Because he could,
No other pigeon would care,
That he would.

I am sure pigeons
Are smarter than we…
A bird who can navigate sun,
Magnetic fields,
Landmarks and Sea.

We are the flock,
not them,
Yet wait,
we vote for idiots to demonstrate.

I saw the Pigeons on Capital Hill,
Some seemed fat,
A few seemed ill,
Some seemed happy,
Some seemed lost…
They followed the others,
Regardless of cost.

~D.R. Dolen

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